Friday 27 January 2012

B***** Building Society

So today I have been to the Cherub's building society for the second time, to get the money out. The first time I couldn't do it because I needed my husband's signature. Today I went into a different branch to get the money out and close the account. My husband had pre-signed the form as the BS had suggested but today I couldn't get the money out because since the BS merged with another BS, they have changed their computer system and don't have signatures on it as they need to re-collect them all. They didn't have my signature either but I had my passport with me. The man over the counter asked if I had some ID of my husband's the show them! How secure is that???? Anyway I had a mini-tantrum about it as I had specifically gone to that branch because the new BS that I want to put the money in is round the corner. The man then said he would ask his manager. She was in a meeting at the front of the BS with some other clients in an open office. He was hesitant to interrupt but I insisted he did because this was already the second trip I had made and with a third in prospect I wanted to make sure that I had all the right documents before there was a fourth visit. The manager agreed with the man behind the counter so now I will have to go back to the BS again with my husband with his ID and finally (hopefully) get the money out....Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr